Free Spanish/English Games for Kids
Attached you will find some free English and Spanish learning games to help your child learn more vocabulary words. Each game goes with a video lesson and has worksheets to practice your new skills. Make sure to check out our Free Video Class page and our Free Resources page for more. We are adding new content weekly, so make sure to bookmark our homepage and keep coming back for more!
Learn English
English A-Z Memory Games
These games will help you to practice some A-Z vocabulary words. Haven’t watched Phonics Classes yet? Click “here“. Want more A-Z worksheets? Click “here” You can also visit our Youtube Channel or Rumble for more videos.

Sight Words Games
Sight words are important when you are learning to read. They are words you need to know but don’t always follow the basic reading rules. The students will learn 5 new sight words per unit.
Fry Sight Words Games
You will find a printable version of the Fry Sight Word Lists and Digital games to help you remember the words.

My Family Games
These games will help you to practice learning new family words. Make sure to watch the family lesson if you haven’t already and click the link to get more worksheets.
Color Games
These games will help you to practice learning the colors. Make sure to watch the family lessons if you haven’t already. You will learn the colors in English.

Learn Spanish

Spanish A-Z Memory Games
These games will help you to practice some Spanish A-Z vocabulary words. Want more A-Z worksheets? Click “here” You can also visit our Youtube Channel or Rumble for more videos.
Mi Familia “My Family”
These games will help you to practice learning new family words in Spanish. Make sure to watch the family lessons if you haven’t already and click the link to get more worksheets.

Los Colores “The Colors”
These games will help you to practice learning the colors in Spanish. Make sure to watch the family lessons if you haven’t already. You will learn the colors in Spanish.