Father’s Day Coupon Book Craft

This Father’s Day Coupon Book allows kids to create a personalized gift filled with special activities and favors for their dad. It’s a thoughtful and interactive way to show appreciation and make Father’s Day memorable.

Homeschool kids can create this Father’s Day coupon book using supplies found around the home:


  • Construction paper or cardstock (various colors)
  • Scissors
  • Hole punch
  • Ribbon or yarn
  • Markers or colored pencils
  • Glue stick


  1. Begin by cutting several rectangular strips from construction paper or cardstock. These will serve as the coupons for your coupon book. Make them about 2-3 inches wide and 6-8 inches long.
  2. Cut a larger rectangle from a different color of construction paper or cardstock to serve as the cover of the coupon book. Make it slightly bigger than the coupons.
  3. Decorate the cover of the coupon book using markers or colored pencils. Write a title like “Father’s Day Coupon Book” and add any other designs or messages you’d like.
  4. On each coupon strip, write a special favor or activity that your dad would enjoy. Examples could include “One free car wash,” “Breakfast in bed,” “Movie night of your choice,” “An afternoon of uninterrupted reading time,” or “A homemade dinner of your choice.” Be creative and think of activities that your dad would appreciate.
  5. Decorate the coupon strips with drawings or designs that relate to the activities. For example, if one coupon is for a car wash, draw a small car or water droplets.
  6. Once all the coupons are decorated, stack them together and punch a hole at one end. You can punch one hole in the corner or multiple holes along the edge, depending on your preference.
  7. Cut a long piece of ribbon or yarn and thread it through the punched holes, tying a knot at the end to keep the coupons together.
  8. If you’d like, you can also cut out additional shapes or decorations from colored construction paper and glue them onto the cover or the coupons to make it more visually appealing.
  9. Present the coupon book to your dad on Father’s Day, explaining that each coupon can be redeemed for the specified activity or favor.


Would you prefer to buy a coupon book? Try this one!