Summer Fun Editable Calendar
Summer is often a time when family members become restless waiting for their normal routines to start up again. But, it doesn’t have to be that way! Summer break is a great opportunity to explore new places or try new hobbies that usually get put off during the school year! If there is something you have been wanting to try but haven’t had the time, take some time to consider what it would take to make it happen!
For many families, summer is a challenge because children run amok with less structure in their schedules.
We understand the frustration that comes with too much free time, but even brainstorming new things to do can feel like a chore when you are already burned out. That is why we have designed a fun calendar full of ideas for inexpensive summer fun! You can use it as it is, or edit it to meet the needs of your family. We hope this will inspire you to do fun things with your children each day this summer. Fun doesn’t have to cost a lot. Enjoy!
Click the calendar image to download the pdf version of this file. Want an editable calendar? Click this Google Drive File Link. You will need to make a copy before you can edit the file.
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