Practical Ways to Adjust to Homeschool from Public School

The Challenge

When we first made the decision to switch from public school to homeschooling, I thought it would be a smooth transition. But it wasn’t as easy as I had hoped. My kids, who were used to the structure and routine of public school, struggled with the shift to learning at home.

We had days when tears would flow (from them and from me), and I questioned whether we had made the right choice. We wrote down our “why” and hung it on the wall to keep us motivated. It is important to remember why you have decided to homeschool. Because I was a school teacher for over 14 years, my instinct was to replicate school, but I realized I needed to rethink my approach. Instead of trying to replicate public school at home, we embraced the flexibility that homeschooling offers. We changed our pace, built a routine that was uniquely ours, and made room for breaks when things got overwhelming. I started involving them more in decisions about what we were learning, and that seemed to help them feel more invested.

Gradually, the challenges lessened. We found our rhythm. The freedom of homeschooling allowed us to explore topics they loved, and slowly but surely, the frustrations began to fade. Now, looking back, those early struggles were a crucial part of the process. They taught us how to communicate better, how to be patient with each other, and most importantly, how to make learning a joyful experience.

Practical Steps to Adjust

Switching from public school to homeschool can be an exciting yet challenging transition for both parents and children. As a parent, you might wonder how to make this shift smooth while ensuring your kids enjoy the homeschooling experience. Here are some strategies to help your kids fall in love with learning at home.

1. Involve Them in the Process

When you involve your kids in planning their homeschooling journey, they feel empowered and more engaged. Start by discussing their interests, strengths, and even their concerns. Allow them to help choose subjects or projects that excite them. Whether it’s a focus on space exploration, marine biology, or art, letting them have a say gives them ownership of their learning and sparks enthusiasm. Read 20 ideas to make your homeschool more fun.

2. Create a Comfortable Learning Environment

One of the best things about homeschooling is that learning doesn’t have to happen at a desk all day. Make your homeschooling space cozy and flexible. Set up different areas for reading, creating art, doing experiments, or even working outside. Give them options so they feel comfortable and in control of their environment. This way, learning becomes a pleasure, not a chore.

3. Establish a Flexible Routine

While homeschooling offers freedom from rigid schedules, having some structure helps kids feel secure. Create a routine that fits your family’s lifestyle but allows for flexibility. For example, you can start the day with a morning meeting to set goals, followed by a variety of activities, mixing academics with hands-on learning, creative projects, or field trips. Consistency builds confidence, but flexibility keeps things fresh and fun.

4. Incorporate Play and Creativity

Kids learn best when they are actively engaged and having fun. Homeschooling provides the perfect opportunity to integrate play into education. Use games, role-play, and creative projects to teach concepts. Science experiments, art projects, or building models can make subjects like math and science more approachable and enjoyable. Make room for creativity and let their imaginations soar.

5. Join Homeschool Groups

Socialization is one of the biggest concerns parents have when switching to homeschool. Help your kids stay connected with their peers by joining an online homeschool community or local co-ops. These communities offer opportunities for group learning, playdates, field trips, and more. Socializing with other homeschoolers gives your kids a sense of belonging and makes learning a shared experience.

6. Celebrate Progress, Not Perfection

One of the beauties of homeschooling is that it allows for individualized learning. Celebrate your child’s progress not perfection, no matter how big or small. Avoid comparisons with traditional school benchmarks, and instead focus on your child’s growth. Recognizing their effort and achievement builds their confidence and helps them take pride in their work.

7. Make Learning an Adventure

Transform everyday learning into an adventure by incorporating real-world experiences. Field trips, nature walks, science museums, and even baking in the kitchen can be wonderful learning experiences. Encourage curiosity and exploration by linking lessons to real-life applications, making learning feel more relevant and exciting.

8. Be Patient During the Transition

Switching from public school to homeschool is a big change, and it will take time for everyone to adjust. Be patient with yourself and your kids. It’s okay if the first few weeks are challenging, or if it takes a little while to find your groove. Keep communication open and remind your children that it’s okay to make mistakes along the way. With time, homeschooling will become a natural and rewarding experience.

9. Emphasize the Benefits of Homeschooling

Highlight the advantages of homeschooling to help your kids appreciate the change. Talk about the flexible schedule, the freedom to pursue passions, the one-on-one attention they’ll receive, and the ability to learn at their own pace. Emphasizing these benefits along with remembering your “why” can help them feel more excited about this new journey.

10. Model a Love for Learning

Your enthusiasm for homeschooling will be contagious. Show your kids that learning is a lifelong adventure by being excited about new topics, asking questions, and discovering things alongside them. Your positive attitude will inspire them to embrace learning with the same curiosity and joy.


Making the switch from public school to homeschooling is a big step, but with the right approach, you can help your kids not only adjust but thrive. By creating a nurturing, flexible, and fun learning environment, you’ll foster a love of learning that will stay with them for a lifetime. The key is patience, creativity, and a focus on their individual needs and interests. Embrace the journey together and watch them flourish!

New to homeschooling and want support check out the Little Lions Learn Community. We have everything you need for your homeschool journey in one place!

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