One of the biggest challenges parents face when deciding to homeschool their children is how they will go about compensating for the change financially. For many dual income families, this means that one parent has to quit their career to stay home and focus on raising and educating the kids. It can be a big adjustment for everyone. It is possible to work while homeschooling, as well, but depending on the parent’s career field and many other factors, this can be very overwhelming.
The good news is, there are more resources than ever before available for homeschool families .
For example, there are 34 states currently offering School Choice funding in the form of ESA vouchers, scholarships, or tax credits, and more are in the process of implementing something similar. Kansas and Wyoming both have bills in review to add a School Choice benefit for homeschool families.
Homeschool families also learn to be resourceful. Whether you’re wanting a dedicated learning space for school time activities, or you’re simply looking for cost effective ways to provide a well-rounded education for your kids, there are lots of free and inexpensive resources available to help you meet your goals.
There are also a lot of activities for homeschoolers available in most cities.
Check out your local library, zoo, Home Depot, community center or pool, play cafe, and other local attractions to see if they offer midweek homeschool days at a discounted rate. Many cities also offer homeschool sports leagues that are much cheaper than playing through recreational leagues or gyms.
No family can take advantage of every opportunity, but there are lots of opportunities to choose from that make enriching home education experiences more affordable.