For those who are new to homeschooling, or maybe just beginning to explore the idea, it can be overwhelming to try and navigate the seemingly endless options that are available now. It didn’t used to be that way. In fact, when I was a homeschool student there were probably only a half-dozen or so curriculum options to choose from and there wasn’t much difference between them.
Now, as with all things, the increased interest in homeschooling has led to an explosion of available resources, which is exciting, but it also becomes hard to navigate. How are you supposed to choose just one, and how do you know which one is best? That’s why we’re here to break it down and help make the decision process a little bit easier.
There are seven primary homeschool strategies that families use.
Probably the most structured and ambitious form of homeschooling. Beyond the basic subjects, it emphasizes developing the whole person through music, arts, languages, as well as exploring our “roots” as a society by learning about mythology and Latin, and the art of effective argument and persuasion with logic and rhetoric. It aims to show the value of “ancient wisdom,” and to give a sense of belonging to the fabric of history by providing an understanding of how we as a society got to where we are today. A couple of the most popular classical curriculums are Classical Conversations and Veritas Press.
Unit Study:
Chooses a topic to learn about for a set period of time, and that becomes the theme for all school-related work during that time frame, and the family learns as much as they can about/through the topic until it is time to move on to the next one. This approach involves integrating all school subjects into the chosen theme, whether it is reading, writing, art, or relevant science or history- unit study often involves hands-on activities, such as time period lunches or field trips that are relevant to the subject. Unit studies can be purchased individually or through a company like Five in a Row, Sonlight, or The Good and the Beautiful. (Check out Cathy Duffy for a more complete list of curriculum options with reviews.)
Charlotte Mason:
Uses well-written literature and “living books,” as well as discussion and free-play to teach children about the world. It emphasizes a holistic approach to learning- teaching children a variety of different ways so they learn in the way that makes the most sense to them. Charlotte Mason curriculum acknowledges the unique design of each child, and encourages them to explore their interests so they can discover their full potential as the people they were created to be. Beautiful Feet Books, Apologia, Master Books, and Ambleside Online fall into this category. (Ambleside Online is a free curriculum.)
Mostly geared toward preschool and pre-k children, there are programs that extend through elementary and middle school. It emphasizes the idea of “play as work” and encourages independence through play and exploration, recognizing that this is how children learn best until age 6. More detailed information on this style of teaching can be found here. It often includes toys such as this busy board, various kinds of blocks, and other toys that encourage imaginative and cooperative play. For older students, this teaching method often shifts gears to focus on farming and other practical life skills.
Is a learning style with whimsy. It focuses on stories, fables, songs, and theatre to teach lessons, morals, and self-expression. There is an emphasis on teaching through experience while emphasizing the emotional, spiritual, and artistic. More information is available here. Many of the toys associated with Waldorf learning are similar to those used in Montessori, but there is more emphasis placed on storytelling with Waldorf education.
Homeschooling is just what it sounds like. Because no one curriculum type perfectly encompasses the needs of every family, homeschool parents will often find themselves piecing together books from various different curriculum creators and adding their own custom content. This way, the create a homeschool experience that better suits the needs of the family.
is the most unstructured of all of the homeschool styles. Unschooling involves letting children learn and their own pace in their own way, and gives them the freedom to explore their own interests and guide their education forward. Many parts opt for a more structured form of unschooling to help mitigate potential gaps in education that arise from turning over the reins completely to the child, but at its core, unschooling is about allowing children to find their own path to their most suitable future.
Parents have found success and experienced struggles with all of these methods.
As you are exploring options for your family, consider your own personality and teaching style, your children’s personalities and learning styles, and what your goals are for them.
Do you think it is important to have a frame of reference when it comes to the history of modern society, or is it better for children to start fresh where they are and pave their own way forward?
Whatever you decide to try with your family, remember that you can always change your mind and attempt another approach if your initial choice turns out to be not a very good fit. Go at your own pace, and try not to overthink it. There are more resources available now than ever before!
For example, if you like the idea of unschooling, but also worry about making sure your child can read and do math, Little Lions Learn offers a complete curriculum of short, online classes with a live teacher for grades K-12 in Math and English. That way, you can be confident that your basics are covered while still allowing your children to explore their own interests.