I Am Enough Craft Activity
Help your little ones to understand their strengths, values, and positive attributes with this I am Enough Craft Activity. You can help to reinforce self-worth and self-acceptance while reading the book, “I Am Enough”.
In this craft activity, your kindergarteners will have the opportunity to explore all the things that make them so wonderful.
This activity is specifically designed for homeschool parents who are looking for fun activities to do with their children after reading a book together. Not only will this activity help your child help to see themself in a positive light, but it will also provide you the parent opportunities to discuss the positive things you see in your child. This is a rewarding activity that will be fun and provide a great experience for your little ones.
Self-affirmation activities help children develop a positive self-image and belief in their abilities. When children engage in self-affirmation, they reinforce positive qualities about themselves and boost their confidence. This can lead to improved self-esteem and a sense of self-worth, which are crucial for overall well-being.
Directions: Find an empty jar, think of many things that make you amazing, write them down on paper, then fold them and place them in the jar, read the notes on the days you need them most. Remember God loves you and you are amazing!

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